A little DIY Laundry Soap for the New Year

Raise your hand (I can't see you so why not!) - who here sees someone post about making their own laundry soap and thinks A: you have no time for that, B: why would I bother, C: how susie homemaker of them, or D: all of the above. Trust me - I used to be a D. Who has time of this? Why would I bother?

Well first off - I have a top loader washer, I'd do laundry, close the lid and it would STINK. I mean smell like death. So I'd run an empty load with vinegar to clean it and it would get better. Or I could leave the lid open for it to dry and that helped too. BUT let me be clear - this was NOT why I decided to try to make my own.

SO - roughly 4 years ago, through a series of events - we began using essential oils in our home. (Full disclosure - we love Young Living Oils!) While learning about our new oils, I found a recipe someone in my oily group had shared for laundry detergent and how much they loved it. So I tried it and it worked! Our clothes were clean, we were using ingredients that were better for us and the environment - and it it took....drum roll please.....2-3 tsp of soap vs half a cup of "the other stuff".  Oh and I forgot to mention - I can mix up a double batch in less than 15 minutes.

We have been using this soap exclusively now for probably 2-3 years and our washer hasn't fallen apart, our clothes are clean and bright and - AND - that smell I talked about......IT IS GONE! In hindsight had to be a fragrance in my old soap that left the "death smell". Seriously - it was so bad.

So here are instructions to make this fantastic EASY Laundry Soap. I will admit I have not ever remembered to write down the day and see how long it takes to use up this soap. By my calculation though a double batch should do roughly 147 large loads - using 3-4 tsp. . . I don't always measure either so that may have an effect also :)  It lasts a while ok - longer than a bottle of soap for sure.

Now one more disclaimer - this is dry. (DON't FREAK OUT LIQUID LOVERS!) I too was a liquid die hard, you can do this - dry will not kill you - I PROMISE! And should you spill it - its way easier to clean  up and salvage!

 The Cast of Characters:
 Epsom Salt, 
Fels Naptha, Borax, Washing Soda,
YL Lavender, Lemon and Purification Essential Oils.
(or lemongrass, or thieves oils...I'm a rebel)

If you have not purchased any of these before no worries. Epsom Salt, great for a multitude of things can be found in the pharmacy section of your local WM. In the cleaning isle you will find the Fels, Borax and Washing Soda. Just a note Washing Soda does NOT equal Baking Soda - they are not the same. Generally these are on the bottom shelf by the stain removers. 

Grate your bar of Fels - if your bar is new its usually best to grate it on the big holes then work with your hands to break it down. If you've had it a while, the soap gets harder and you can use those tiny holes on the back of your box grater - you know the ones that usually rip your knuckles apart but you don't really know why that side exists? It grates into a fine powder - but if the bar is softer it just gums it up. Either way works fine you just don't want giant pieces. Use a whisk and blend in the salt, soda and borax. Drip your oils over the mix and whisk in - it won't make it clump up or anything. I store mine in varying sizes of Mason jars. . .. maybe you should know this up front...I love .....jars. I mean....the passion for a cool jar with a lid is pretty crazy here in our house. 

Here is what it looks like all mixed up.

And in my jars. The big one is a 1/2 gallon jar...this makes a bunch. The scoop is right about a tsp.
I salvaged it from a bag of dishwasher powder and it works great! 

So to conclude - why should you try this - well because it channels your inner Martha Stewart, its better than ingredients in store brands, its cheaper, and who doesn't have 15 minutes every couple of months or so to whip up a batch! I promise - you can do this, it is the easiest of DIY's! 


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